Exteriors of the house Exteriors of the house
  Interiors of the house Interiors of the house
  Wild living horses in the near surroundings of the rural house Los Quejigales Wild living horses
  Hiking route from the viewpoint Mirador Luís Ceballos to the ravine Tajo de la Caína Hiking route to the ravine Tajo de la Caína
  Views from above Tolox Views from above Tolox
  The Quejigo-trees The Quejigo-trees
  Snowed pinsapo-trees Snowed pinsapo-trees

Snowed pinsapo-trees
This botanical treasure is a prehistoric relic, growing in altitudes over 1000 metres above sea level. We are talking about a living fossil – rests of the big forests of the tertiary.

The pinsapo-forests are the authentic jewels of the Natural Park, due to their beauty, their rareness and their survival since the last glacial period. This species is a strict endemism of the mountains of Ronda, but related to another subspecies, which exist in Northern Africa (Morocco). You can find it only in the Sierra de las Nieves (Ronda, Tolox and Yunquera), Sierra del Pinar (Natural Park Sierra de Grazalema) and Sierra Bermeja (Estepona). Of the 3.500 ha of pinsapo-forests which exist worldwide, nearly 3.000 ha are situated in the Sierra de las Nieves.

This tree needs fresh summers and cold winters and very high precipitations. Therefore it finds in the special microclimate of this park, which reaches the highest rainfall average of whole Spain, simply ideal conditions.