Exteriors of the house Exteriors of the house
  Interiors of the house Interiors of the house
  Wild living horses in the near surroundings of the rural house Los Quejigales Wild living horses
  Hiking route from the viewpoint Mirador Luís Ceballos to the ravine Tajo de la Caína Hiking route to the ravine Tajo de la Caína
  Views from above Tolox Views from above Tolox
  The Quejigo-trees The Quejigo-trees
  Snowed pinsapo-trees Snowed pinsapo-trees

Wild living horses in the near surroundings of the rural house Los Quejigales
Since years a herd of horses lives feral in the immediate surroundings of the rural house “Los Quejigales”. Normally you can see them each day, when they are passing by in the morning and in the evening on the way to and from their grazing grounds. In the actuality we observed a total of eight horses (2 white horses, 1 grey, 4 brown ones and one black horse), but their population is growing. They are used to see people around the house and its surroundings and accept, if you take photos of them. However, they disappear slowly but determined when you disturb them too much or if you come too near.